Wall Walkers Game

A quick rest stop during a Jeep ride yesterday led to a game we haven’t seen in quite a while, but our wall walkers had a lot of fun.

Roscoe discovers a new game.
Roscoe discovers a new game.

We were out running errands and everyone needed a walking break. Since the rain had stopped, we stopped at the closest park and took off for a quick stroll (which is why everyone is still wearing seatbelts).

Landon joins the wall walkers game.
Landon joins the wall walkers game.

As we walked by a brick wall, Roscoe jumped up on the wall and kept up our little hike. Soon enough, everyone was taking a turn.

Cheoah thinking how quiet things are up here without brothers.
Cheoah thinking how quiet things are up here without brothers.

We haven’t had a wall walker since the Rusty the Rooster days, so it brought back great memories.

I had a fun idea, huh?
I had a fun idea, huh?


  1. DJ, Cierra and Maggie on February 23, 2019 at 3:45 pm

    I love Rusty’s antics coming out in the young ones! ❤????

  2. Lori & Izzy Belle Bear on February 23, 2019 at 12:19 pm

    Great idea Roscoe! I love your happy face ????????????

  3. Juno's mom on February 23, 2019 at 9:23 am

    Roscoe always looks happy. Rusty-Roo is still channeling the herd. 😉

  4. Jean Burkhardt on February 23, 2019 at 5:34 am

    LOVE seeing Cheoah up on the wall plus Roscoe caught on quickly to the wall walking game! What a wonderful and safe Hu-Dad with the dogs all wearing their seat belts!!!Looks like a fun day was had by all the Herd!

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