Roscoe’s Obsession

Roscoe’s Obsession is becoming a growing distraction for him during some of our walks and we have photographic evidence to prove it.

Please come down. Please come down.
Please come down. Please come down.

At Chez Herd, we have lots of creatures and some of those, like rabbits and voles, are fun to hunt in the backyard. But we lack an animal those most all dogs are familiar with—squirrels (aka, tree rats). We simply don’t have them anywhere around the house. So when we go somewhere with an abundance of squirrels, Roscoe becomes singularly focused.

Come over here, you little tree rat.
Come over here, you little tree rat.

We might have to admit, though, that Roscoe is not alone in his desire to hunt the creatures. A certain high-prey drive brother freely joins him in the quest.

Roscoe's Obsession is being shared with his brother, Typhoon.
Roscoe’s Obsession is being shared with his brother, Typhoon.


  1. Juno's mom on February 21, 2019 at 9:56 am

    That Roscoe’s pretty cute!

  2. Lori & Izzy Belle Bear on February 21, 2019 at 8:59 am

    The dynamic duo of squirrel hunting!

  3. Jean Burkhardt on February 21, 2019 at 5:29 am

    LOVE watching Roscoe and Typhoon share things-lol. Even hunting those nasty tree rats AKA Squirrels. I can identify-we have very few of them near our house and IF by chance we happen to spy one climbing a tree-THERE goes our boy Bradley after it!

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