Brother Pairings of Chez Herd

You have heard of wine pairings—the matching of flavors between food and wine—but we believe in brother pairings, the matching of sleeping styles.

Typhoon and Roscoe, sleeping back to back
Typhoon and Roscoe, sleeping back to back

If you study the photo above, the brother pairings extend beyond simply lying back to back. The tails are tucked the same way and, for bonus points, the front paws are cross the same way. Unfortunately, the back legs are positioned in oppositie fashion, a loss of a point in synchronized napping (a canine olympic sport).

Frankie and Landon demonstrating nose to nose napping.
Frankie and Landon demonstrating nose to nose napping.

Extra point above for having both the front and rear paws in the same formation, but Landon’s ever so fluffy tail is not tucked as tightly as Frankie’s. The judges again deduct a point.

And who is this harsh judge that keeps deducting points?

I always judge my brothers.
I always judge my brothers.
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  1. nicole tester on February 7, 2019 at 3:26 pm

    wow! that is weird they sleep like each other. I am glad the big sister is keeping an eye on them!

  2. World Of Animals, Inc. on February 5, 2019 at 4:38 pm

    Synchronized napping will be a new sport and in the Olympics soon. We just love the photos that you shared. Landon’s tail deserves the point back. Thanks for sharing the lovely photos. Have a wonderful day.

  3. 24 Paws of Love on February 5, 2019 at 1:10 pm

    Synchronized napping! What an awesome sport!

  4. Jean Burkhardt on February 5, 2019 at 5:44 am

    AAWW Cheezewhiz-Your brothers look SO cozy napping together in pairs like that. PLUS they aren’t bothering you in front of that cozy fire!!! I suggest you go nap yourself in front of said fire!

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