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While some of us are having lots of fun with all of the deep snow, Miss Cheoah is not happy that her short legs create some challenges.
The boys are loving the snow, especially the kangaroo style of Boom Boom, but Miss Cheoah has a different opinion. The snow is fun to slide in and feels great on her furs, but this is just too deep for her short legs. Add in a wee bit of stiffness from age (she turns 13 in just over a week), and she sticks to the paths around the yard.
She says don’t dare refer to her as a senior. She prefers wiser and more experienced. And with that experience comes wisdom to know exactly how to handle all the snow.
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
Oopps…reign(not rein!!)????
She is soooo adorable! And she’s enjoying her rein as Queen ????
Yay, Cheoah! You have the right idea. I’m glad the boys are outside so you can relax in peace. 🙂
Wow! 13 is a lot of wisdom! You look like you have the right idea when it comes to snow!
Cheoah you’re smart to hold off sliding for a few hours. I agree Ms. Jean, that couch looks comfy and a nice fire–oh yeah. I would love to join Miss Cheese!
Smart girl lets the boys plow for her so she can get back to her favorite spot. She looks awfully content.
She wouldn’t have a problem up here. The snow I have in this yard is frozen so hard on top Leena just walks on the snow.
Stay to the trails Cheese!
You are VERY wise Cheoah-Why strain those short legs when you can walk in the paths? I wish I could sit next to you on the comfy couch and enjoy the fire with you!