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Typhoon challenged the Hu-Dad with a request, but a certain lacking trust factor might have doomed the Little Prince’s ultimate plan.
You may have noticed that Chez Herd has strategically placed baby gates that tend to hinder our free flow of the house. Some of us (Cheoah, Frankie and Landon) can go anywhere we want anytime we want. One of us (Roscoe) is too new to be trusted, though he is earning more and more freedom every day. And one of us (*AHEM*) has a long reputation of thievery and mischief that might be the reason we have gates in the house. So when that certain, unnamed Little Prince tried to suggest he wanted to hang out with his sister outside of Hu-Dad’s supervision, suspicions were raised.
Yesterday morning, after an excursion outside, His Haughtiness declined to take his usual route to the study (where Hu-Dad was working) and jumped up on the couch instead. He curled up, looked innocent, and swore that he would behave. So, dear readers, exactly how long do you think before delinquency broke out?
Just less than three minutes. Three. Hu-Dad had barely settled into his chair when he heard the pitter patter of princely paws pursuing purloined prizes.
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Mama Bear Warning
July 12, 2024
Mama Bear crashed through the underbrush, growling and snorting with her eyes locked on her targets—us. Her warning was clear.
He just can’t help himself.
Oh the sweetness! Oh the cunning of the Little Prince! Love it.
PS. The title of you email the last few days has been Today’s Thundering Herd Post – Growing Bromance.
Yes, we have noticed that. Not sure why, but we suspect cats. We have notified the newsletter company of the issue.
He’s a crafty little curmudgeon. 😀
LOLOL! joy this morning with my coffee! XOXO
and p.s.
I’ll be getting your book. 😀
Woo-hoo. Thank you!
A husky never changes its spots!
My husky Sage was pretty good about surfing the counter tops. First time, she happened to get 3 FULL boxes of valentine candy and ate every single piece. Thankfully nothing happened to her. The most common thing she would get was a loaf of bread. She would eat about half of it and thoughtfully leave the rest for me. Lol
Once again-the Little Prince’s actions have started my day off with a big laugh! Wow-Typhoon THREE whole minutes? I guess you will NEVER learn what you can touch and what you can’t! I hope you enjoyed your “sentence” in Hu-Dad’s study!!