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As that odd human quirk of Daylight Savings Time ended, a certain Siberian Husky who likes his bedtime is giving a sleepyhead protest.

Why aren’t we going to bed?
Like every other canine households, the humans and dogs are doing battle at meal time over the end of daylight savings time. While that’s bad, the worst battle is over the proper bedtime. Frankie, who certainly turns in as early as possible, had to be chased out of bed about 7 last night. The look on his face in the study explains his entire thought on the subject.

I might be building a nest out of this blanket.
We would say he is carefully watching Hu-Dad finish this blog post so he can head to bed, but the truth might be something slightly different.

Wake me when it is time for bed.
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Ordinary Goodness
February 26, 2025
An airplane crash. The plane came to rest upside down. The passengers hung from their seatbelts. And then came the ordinary goodness.
Charlee: “We’re pretty sure our Dada is still recovering from the time change too.”
Chaplin: “Yes, I keep hearing him say ‘it feels later than it is’ and things like that.”
Charlee: “It’s like he doesn’t realize that he could just go to bed whenever he wants.”
Chaplin: “As long as it’s after he feeds us, of course.”
Our Kori is like that, she loves bedtime, and if I take too long, she goes to be without me and claims my spot!
Chumley can’t be bothered by something as pedestrian as Time.
I have been cussed out for coming home late from work by my 4 Siberians when it is dark at 5:00.
HuDad has forgotten the Siberian Husky Property Laws sticker content: “Huskies set there own agenda as long as it does not include destroying HuDad’s home”!
Time change throws everyone off. Juno always knows when it’s time to eat and sleep, so I just go with it.
I feel the same way about change and I’m sure my face looks like Frankie’s.
Leena has been mildly harassing me about it, but my bed time varies so much it isn’t that unusual for her. She just curls up wherever I am and blocks the way until we head to the bed.
Izzy Belle Bear completely understands your time change protest, Frankie. She too knows exactly when our household bedtime is and just does not tolerate such interruptions!
Poor Frankie havings such a hard time with the time change-I am right there you! When it gets dark SO early-my eyes start closing-lol. I LOVE the husky curl on that blanket too!!!