Can We Have An Extra Walk?

During an S-RV trip, we walk a lot. Morning, Mid-day, and Evening walks. But when the youngsters asked for an extra walk, Hu-Dad was not the only objection.

Can we have an extra walk?

Can we have an extra walk?

Hu-Dad is a big believer in walking when we are camping. Something about it makes us tired and a Tired Sibe Is A Good Sibe (Boy, do we hear that one a lot). So we go walking several times a day.

Come on. Just one more.

Come on. Just one more.

But when we asked for one more walk last night, Hu-Dad was not the only one protesting that we had walked enough. Let’s just say one of our siblings had already turned in for the night.

Go ahead. I'll keep the bed warm.

Go ahead. I’ll keep the bed warm.

Movie Memory Monday

As we walked around the campground, we have met lots of interesting creatures including squirrels and raccoons. But we do love our Rabbit Distractions around Chez Herd. This week’s Movie Memory Monday highlights what we mean.

rabbit distraction

Click the image to visit this week’s Movie Memory Monday

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  1. Laura Yager on October 31, 2018 at 2:21 pm

    Huskies are perpetual toddlers….one more treat, one more game of chase, one more walk! I hope you gave in Hu dad. As you know, we who love dogs are aware of how quickly their time with us passes. One more anything is quite alright….

  2. All Things Collie on October 29, 2018 at 12:23 pm

    I bet your dad loves to walk with you, it’s good for us humans too!

  3. Terry (+Rory) on October 29, 2018 at 7:55 am

    Wow! Landon can FLY!!! That video is proof! Forget those flying reindeer… flying huskies are MUCH BETTER!!
    I think Santa should update his flight crew!! Although …if a rabbit(or squirrel, mouse,bird,woodchuck,etc etc) should go by,there could be some “issues!”
    Enjoy the camping!!!
    Yeah RedSox!!!

  4. Jean B Burkhardt on October 29, 2018 at 5:48 am

    It IS true a tired sibe is a GOOD sibe but there are limits!!! Too funny about keeping the bed warmed up-lol!

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