Cool Fall Days In August

With all of the crazy, rainy weather we have had this year, the current stretch of cool fall days (yes, in August) makes us all happy.

Thank you for the perfect weather.

Thank you for the perfect weather.

We woke up yesterday morning to a chilly 50ÂșF (10ÂșC), particularly chilly for the humans since we sleep with the windows open. Nearby Mount Mitchell (the highest peak in Eastern North America) recorded a low of 40ÂșF (4ÂșC) with a wind chill of 32ÂșF (0ÂșC). The first hints of reds and yellows are showing in the trees surrounding our house. We have spent most of the summer hanging out with the Hu-Dad in his study while he attends to his busyness, but yesterday we all stayed outside and enjoyed the sunshine and scorching high of 67ÂșF (19ÂșC).

This feels soooooo good.

This feels soooooo good.

We know we are still in August, but we can smell autumn creeping up on us. For a Herd of Siberian Huskies, that’s a day to celebrate the best way we know how.

Napping in the sun in the cool fall days of August.

Napping in the sun in the cool fall days of August.


  1. Juno's mom on August 24, 2018 at 1:00 pm

    It’s the best time of year for a cool weather girl and her husky. We love it.

  2. Terry (+Rory) on August 24, 2018 at 7:28 am

    Woohoo …50 degrees!!
    And a beautiful moon(almost full) to make it even more lovely!

  3. Lori on August 24, 2018 at 7:04 am

    Ahhhh the perfect weather for a fluffy herd!

  4. Jean B Burkhardt on August 24, 2018 at 6:26 am

    We here in Delaware aren’t quite as lucky as you and the herd with the temps BUT much cooler and right now 61 degrees! I am SO happy for the dogs and it looks like they are REALLY enjoying the lovely weather!!! Yes-Autumn is coming-for sure!!!!

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