His Haughtiness, Little Prince Typhoon Phooey

Hu-Dad has added a yet another nickname to the long string of references to Little Prince Typhoon Phooey – His Haughtiness.

It's not haughty if I actually am the best.

It’s not haughty if I actually am the best.

Typhoon has always had a quite high opinion of himself. He expects meals to be served on his schedule, that his nap times are respected with appropriate silence from others, and that blankets and pillows are fluffed to his standards. Needless to say, he spends a lot of time at Chez Herd being disappointed that not everyone else agrees.

It's so hard to find good help.

It’s so hard to find good help.

And so a new nickname rolled off the Hu-Dad’s tongue to describe our Little Prince. But how, exactly, do we demonstrate why the name is so appropriate? How about with a photo?

His Haughtiness, Little Prince Typhoon Phooey, who has deemed "all dogs to their crates for dinner" does not include him.

His Haughtiness, Little Prince Typhoon Phooey, who has deemed “all dogs to their crates for dinner” does not include him.


  1. Lori on August 11, 2018 at 8:00 pm

    Great posture Your Haughtiness! You are rockin the Little Prince-ness!

  2. Annamarie on August 11, 2018 at 10:32 am

    That eye roll ???? just kills me!! ????????????????????????

  3. Laura Yager on August 11, 2018 at 9:35 am


  4. Laura Yager on August 11, 2018 at 9:34 am

    We know that you became haughty because everyone, including Hu dad biws to you…your charm and wit have raised you once again. I assume we should now refer to you as “his Royal Highness, Prince Phooey.of the Herd”????

  5. Juno's mom on August 11, 2018 at 9:15 am

    He does have that that wheels are always turning look. Pretty cute expressions on that face.

  6. Jean B Burkhardt on August 11, 2018 at 8:19 am

    You ARE his haughtiness Prince Typhoon Phooey BUT who cannot LOVE that face?????

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