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Want to know the effect of four inches of rain on Chez Herd? Don’t trip over the sighing dogs sprawled in various spots around the house.
Yes, the rains continue and we expect more through Friday and some showers this weekend. We know that many of our friends in other parts of the world are suffering through drought and fires, so we would gladly share our wet weather if we could.
Hu-Dad is looking forward to some sunny weather just so he doesn’t have to listen to all of the canine sighing around the house.
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
The HokiePack loves to play in the mud!!! Of course we discourage this practice which leads to crying and whining!
Must be too relaxing with all those negative ions around. 😉
Oh the sighing dog piles…we know what that’s like. Try to hang in there guys. In the meantime Landon and Typhoon can be plotting their mischief!
We are in Virginia Beach and we had 9.66 inches of rain in July and more to come. Hazel won’t go out if it’s raining. Shes not scared of it. But more that she thinks she is made of sugar and will melt. Lol. Our weather is annoying but I’ll take it over a drought, fires or flooding (Lynchburg Va has a dam that if it breaks it would bring 17 ft ofwater in 7 minutes). Stay nice and cozy Frankie.
I bet that canine sighing creates its own kind of Sibernacle Choir!
Bunch of soggy doggies here in Little Switzerland too! Lightning zapped the phone line Tuesday morning knocking out the answering machine and outside DSL box but surge protector saved the computer stuff!
Poor fur babies-life is HARD with ALL that rain and NO walkies!!!! WE here is Delaware haven’t had as much rain BUT the heat and humidity doesn’t make a walk very enjoyable!!!
Similar complaints here in Greensboro, along with daily thunder fright!