Typhoon – The Reluctant Model

With camera in hand, Hu-Dad stalked our reluctant model who made little effort to hide his displeasure at having his nap disturbed.

Napping here, Hu-Dad.

Napping here, Hu-Dad.

Some days, we are not the most cooperative pups in helping Hu-Dad prepare our daily post. Yesterday, we napped and napped and napped. The only movement was fluffing a blanket or curling in the other direction. So Hu-Dad decided to pursue our Little Prince with a camera for some material.

Do I look like I want to help?

Do I look like I want to help?

Interesting fact that is readily apparent in the photo above. The scar on the side of Typhoon’s nose was delivered by Frankie in Typhoon’s first week here. Something about the youngster was a pest and needed to be told to behave. Yes, we are still trying to pass that lesson on over five years later.

Like I ever listen. reluctant model

Like I ever listen.


  1. Mom 'n Ebby on July 15, 2018 at 4:20 am

    Mom sez: Ebby is the same way as Typhoon about having pictures taken. You’d almost think those cameras were loaded with “live ammunition”!

  2. chris on July 12, 2018 at 10:51 am

    Don’t worry Typhoon, I don’t like to listen either and I am an adult human. Rules–who needs them right. haha

  3. Juno's mom on July 12, 2018 at 9:49 am

    He does have that wheels are turnin’ look about him. I thinks he’s lucky to have landed with you. Less experiences husky ‘owners’ may not have been able to handle him.

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