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We haven’t talked about them lately, but we wanted to make sure our readers knew that Typhoon’s zoomies are still speedy.
The Hu-Dad continues to scan the yard for rabbits before every Typhoon release which has kept the Little Prince’s bunny count to a minimum. But if a rabbit does make the mistake of being in the yard at the same time as the Typhoon Phooey, it is a deadly mistake. Typhoon can still out-zig and out-zag any creature.
Our weather yesterday was rainy and dreary all day long, so everyone was happy to get outside when a break in the bad weather occurred. Typhoon celebrated with a few laps around the yard – and an ending with a tail flourish.
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
Great pics of Ty…especially that fluffy tail !!
We have a Typhoon in our in our little Herd. Bolt (so correctly named) is fast as lightning. Irritating his older sister who showed him how to juke and jive. Only problem is Bolt doesn’t know how to stop. Making some very fast, and very funny Zoomies!
Typhoon-sorry is a bunny who makes the mistake of coming into YOUR yard!!!!