Starting The Weekend With A Boom Boom Bang

Friday afternoon drew close to evening and Landon decided to start the weekend with a Boom Boom Bang – much to the surprise of the photographer.

Are you ready for the weekend, Hu-Dad?

Are you ready for the weekend, Hu-Dad?

Hu-Dad worked at his desk all day long, much to the dismay of some furry distractions who did their best to distract him. But as the work day drew to an end, Landon decided that the weekend needed to start. Hu-Dad picked up the camera and took a few photographs. Landon decided he wanted far more than just a photography session so he decided to start the weekend with a Bang. A leaping, furry bang. And Hu-Dad caught it just as the celebration was, well, launched.

Ready for a Flying Boom Boom Bang?

Ready for a Flying Boom Boom Bang?


  1. Lori on June 23, 2018 at 7:25 am

    Atta boy Landon!! What better way to start a weekend than with a Boom Boom Bang!!!

  2. Jean B Burkhardt on June 23, 2018 at 5:44 am

    Good job Landon for getting the weekend started with a BANG!!! Hu-Dad needed to be reminded all work and no play is NO fun!!

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