Big Bad Red Wolf Stalks Chez Herd

We caught a big bad red wolf stalking through the wild grasses of Chez Herd (which might be a sign the Hu-Dad needs to mow again).

The big bad red wolf slinking through the wild grass.

The big bad red wolf slinking through the wild grass.

Hmmm, we might need to work on our description a little. Our “big” wolf barely crosses the 50 pound mark. And “bad” only applies if you considered her instigator ways (and ability to look perfectly innocent once she leads her brothers into mischief). But we do have the red part correct.

That wolf looks strangely like my sister.

That wolf looks strangely like my sister.

So maybe it wasn’t really a wolf slinking through the yard. Still, the boys knew better than to mess with her.

Do I really need to come up there and show you - again - who's boss.

Do I really need to come up there and show you – again – who’s boss.


  1. Terry Gaither on June 22, 2018 at 9:54 am

    …The red bb wolves are the best(est)!!

  2. Lori on June 22, 2018 at 7:06 am

    Sometimes it takes a big bad red wolf to control the unruly little brothers ❤️

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