Rain Forest Or Mighty Jungle?

Yep, more rain. And rain predicted every day this coming week. So our grass is growing like crazy, Hu-Dad can’t cut it, and we are left wondering if we live in a rain forest or the mighty jungle.

Good thing we have a path through the mighty jungle.

Good thing we have a path through the mighty jungle.

We have been complaining about the rain for days and now, thanks to Alberto working his way up from the Gulf of Mexico, our forecast for the coming week is rain, rain, and more rain. By the time it finally stops (just in time for next weekend), the grass in the dog yard might be over our heads!

Kiska is thinking that what we need is a dog who doesn’t mind getting soaking wet – you know, maybe more brawn than brains. Wonder if she has any specific ideas?

Did you call me, Kiska?

Did you call me, Kiska?



  1. KJ Pierson on May 27, 2018 at 8:31 pm

    In the jungle, the mighty jungle, Miss Kiska wanders tonight?

    Also….can I pluck nao?

  2. Lori on May 27, 2018 at 7:27 am

    Oh the rain! We’re in a similar boat here in SW Florida! We need a certain dog who doesn’t mind getting wet here too ❤️

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