Another Day; Another Thunderstorm

We have been in a pattern of rain nearly every day, with no end in sight. Needless to say, we canines are not particularly impressed with yet another thunderstorm.

Another thunderstorm? More rain?

Another thunderstorm? More rain?

To be clear, Frankie reacts to the thunderstorms. He seeks out Hu-Dad for his thundershirt and some comfort, but everyone else has the same reaction as Qannik.

Hu-Dad - Fix the weather.

Hu-Dad – Fix the weather.

Yesterday’s main storm dropped about an inch of rain in a half hour. A series of smaller storms kept us wet for the rest of the evening. To put it mildly, we are so over this rain.

Wake me when the sun comes out.

Wake me when the sun comes out.

We realize that many of our readers will be traveling for the holiday weekend in the US. Please be safe and have an enjoyable time off. We plan to hang at the house and avoid all traffic.


  1. Zoe on May 26, 2018 at 1:48 pm

    Have a wonderful safe holiday

  2. Lori on May 26, 2018 at 7:39 am

    Poor Frankie… Izzy hates storms too so we completely understand. But I totally agree with Qannik… wake me when the sun comes out! A happy and safe Memorial Day to you!

  3. BJ Mills on May 25, 2018 at 12:24 pm

    I agree with Qannik, wake me when the sun comes out. Like Frankie Suave, I want the ”boom booms” and the ”light show” in the sky to stop. Hu-Dad, can’t you fix the weather? Qannik not wanting to be a soaked cotton ball says he is tired of rain for sure! Enjoy your Memorial Day weekend hanging out.

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