Kiska’s Secret Spot And Nose Counts

On beautiful days like yesterday, everyone wants to stay outside. Hu-Dad glanced out into the yard and couldn’t find Kiska – who was in her secret spot.

Q-Tip present and accounted for.

Q-Tip present and accounted for.

We all decided yesterday was entirely too nice to be inside, so we hung outdoors for the day. Even the Hu-Dad moves his laptop to the covered porch and worked away.

As an antidote to our ever-expanding list of adventures, Hu-Dad regularly performs nose counts. That is, he looks around and makes sure that each of us is where we are supposed to be and not up to trouble of some kind. As you can imagine, the usual suspects are the ones most likely to be in mischief.

So imagine his surprise when Hu-Dad scanned the yard and didn’t see Miss Kiska. Where could she be? What was she up to?

Our chief of security had decided the deck was not comfortable enough and had moved to a great napping spot in the lush grass.

Just in my secret spot, Hu-Dad. Not up to any trouble. Nope, not me.

Just in my secret spot, Hu-Dad. Not up to any trouble. Nope, not me.


  1. Mom 'n Ebby on May 5, 2018 at 3:38 pm

    Mom sez: HRH, Miss Kiska is looking very “regal” as she surveys her kingdom here. She is such a beautiful lady!

  2. Cheryl Seybert on May 3, 2018 at 6:12 pm

    Looks like you woke her up Hu-Dad!!! ????

  3. Juno's mom on May 3, 2018 at 1:41 pm

    She has such a wise and regal look.

  4. Lori on May 3, 2018 at 9:06 am

    The perfect spot for the precious lady ????

  5. Jean B Burkhardt on May 3, 2018 at 8:41 am

    Kiska-Tell Hu-Dad you are no dummy! That nice soft cool grass is JUST the thing to be comfy!!! Good girl.

  6. Hokie Pack on May 3, 2018 at 7:07 am

    Such a beautiful lady Kiska!

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