A Single Photograph Captures Our Energetic Day

After a week of travels, we all enjoyed an energetic day at Chez Herd. Or, at least, a day, since Hu-Dad said we seem to be missing the energetic part.

Weather Forecast - Scattered Siberian Huskies on an energetic day.

Weather Forecast – Scattered Siberian Huskies on an energetic day.

Hu-Dad would like to report that he attempted to take the usual number of photographs for today’s post, but they all looked the same. We snoozed. We sunned. We napped. And, then, we slept.

As for the others, Kiska was curled up under the chaise lounge. Qannik was sprawled on a quiet corner of the deck. And Typhoon was upside down in the study snoring away.


  1. Cheryl Seybert on May 1, 2018 at 2:31 pm

    Even the Energizer Bunny has to recharge once in a while!!

  2. Juno's mom on May 1, 2018 at 11:52 am

    Always good to be home.

  3. Lori on May 1, 2018 at 7:08 am

    Just a beautifully restful day at Chez Herd.

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