Little Prince Concentration (And How To Distract Him)

Typhoon was in his Little Prince Concentration Mode – until a distraction bounded through the woods beside us and totally derailed him.

Little Prince Concentration during a walk.

Little Prince Concentration during a walk.

Typhoon Phooey is usually laser focused on whatever task he is working on. Yesterday, he wanted his walk and didn’t want to hear any of the Hu-Dad’s chatter. Trying to distract him is a virtually useless effort. However, . . .

Are those deer?

Are those deer?

Deer bounding through the woods might be a bit much for any dog to ignore, and Typhoon was no exception. He even  directed his little brother to the fun.

Look at those really big rabbits, Boom Boom.

Look at those really big rabbits, Boom Boom.

Way Back Wednesday

We Siberian Huskies are not exactly known for our good behavior. Somehow, we also seem to find trouble no matter where we look. In this particular Way Back Wednesday Story, Ruby (our cousin from The Herd Annex) got into trouble. And, when her trouble was removed, got into trouble again. Hey, Being Good Is So Hard.

That being good thing doesn't start until Christmas Eve, right?

Click the image to visit this week’s Way Back Wednesday


  1. Juno's mom on April 25, 2018 at 11:02 am

    Nice dual alert pose.

  2. Lori on April 25, 2018 at 9:17 am

    It’s so hard to focus when those other critters appear in our path! And boy it’s hard to leave a perfectly good loaf of unattended bread alone ????

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