Mid-March Winter Storm Aftermath

Our weather prognosticators predicted we would be hammered by snow yesterday, so we have to share the winter storm aftermath around Chez Herd.

They call that snow? When we were pups . . . winter storm aftermath

They call that snow? When we were pups . . .

Now, forgive our seniors. They are not just being grumpy. You see, the forecasts were that the upper elevations – including us at 4700 feet – should see several inches of snow. We know that predicting winter weather in our mountains is a difficult exercise, but the results were not exactly what anyone was expecting.

Hunting for the snow.

Hunting for the snow.

Let’s just say Kiska doesn’t look like she is working too hard getting through those drifts.

Has to be some snow out here somewhere.

Has to be some snow out here somewhere.


  1. Koda Hazel and Sue VerSchneider on March 14, 2018 at 10:25 am

    Oh kiska your fluffy fur looks ummm a bit ummm unruly. (Looking away quick from the head of security) I know it’s the winter-spring fur change out and I can only imagine what you go through with the little prince and boom boom at once.


  2. Juno's mom on March 13, 2018 at 12:35 pm

    Don’t let the kids watch the weather reports anymore. Too disappointing. 😉

  3. Jean Burkhardt on March 13, 2018 at 6:03 am

    I guess the weather prediction was WRONG. No snow to be seen!

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