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Not much brings the games inside Sibe Quentin to a halt, but when the seniors claim the yard, the junior team pauses in respect.
The senior team enjoys the peace and quiet of their half of the yard and their private porch. Because of the fence configuration, they can go into the yard without worrying about the youngsters plowing into them. Despite the separation, Miss Kiska often yells at the juniors that they are making too much noise or running too fast or otherwise disturbing her. So when the seniors drift off the porch and into the yard, the juniors tend to hold down the noise for a few minutes.
You might wonder if Kiska feels bad about squelching the games of youth. Her reaction?
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
Seniors rule, juniors drool! I’m sure the quiet respect the juniors are showing, won’t last long….the zoomies are coming….
Just love you seniors ????
Love the seniors ❤️
YAY for the seniors. So glad the juniors respect them(if only for a little while). LOVE the Thundering Herd and look for it each and every day on my email!
Love the look from Chief of Security Kiska
The original resting bitch face
She has it…Q has the resting question face.