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Typhoon lives to create trouble – anytime, anywhere – which is why even innocent photographs of him makes the Hu-Dad wonder if he is just roaming trouble.
The different personalities of each member of The Herd is always amusing. Miss Kiska is always security and boundary conscious. Frankie projects an air of cool confidence. Landon expects everything to be a game. And Typhoon loves trouble.
If he is walking through the kitchen, he can’t resist counter surfing. In the bedroom, he strives to get into other dog’s crates before them just to be a nuisance. He is always the instigator trying to stir up a sleeping sibling.
And so, of course, when the Hu-Dad trains the camera on him to capture some of his hi-jinx, he purposely behaves. The master of acting innocent for the camera.
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
His face says it all.
Typhoon is an angel, stop telling lieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees!
And if they’re all that…what’s Qannik and Cheoah? Tell the truth…one of them causes all the problems doesn’t they, you’re just trying to pin it on the younger angel! This will not stand, where’s the attorney at claw!
Also…at what point do we take all the extra hair and just make him a…erm…uh…whatever you call a toupee for the bellie.
Just an innocent little angel aren’t ya Typhoon ????????