The Ins And Outs Of The Herd – Film Friday

In today’s Film Friday, we explore the mystery of why Hu-Dad is always behind in his busyness. Explore the ins and outs of The Thundering Herd.

We are anticipating a couple of questions, so here are our answers:

Where are Kiska and Qannik?

They were both sprawled on the senior deck quietly napping away. They like the fact that their deck is not as busy as Grand Central Station.

Was this all filmed on the same day?

Oh, yes. All in one morning.

Why don’t we have a dog door?

Typhoon and rabbits. Newer readers may not be aware of how often Typhoon chases and catches rabbits. If we had a dog door, can you imagine Typhoon hauling his latest catch into the living room? Hu-Dad can imagine it, which is why we don’t have a dog door.

Does Hu-Dad ever get any work done in his study?

Sometimes. He sure tries.

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  1. Khumbu on February 4, 2018 at 7:15 am

    BOL it’s just like our household with the 4 of us. The humans complain the whole time asking why we can’t all go out together and come in together.

  2. Padma Bending on February 2, 2018 at 1:07 pm

    Well, we can see that Hu-dad gets lots of exercise daily. What I want to see is how each husky asks to go out – I’m sure that each is unique

  3. KJ Pierson on February 2, 2018 at 8:51 am

    I love how Typhoon sits there so calm and collected waiting on the door. When Leena wants in/out a door, she’s practically tearing it off the hinge.

    • The Thundering Herd on February 2, 2018 at 9:01 am

      He sits there so calm and collected . . . once he has attracted Hu-Dad’s attention through shrieks. Or squeals. Or screams. Or whatever that high-pitched racket he produces should be called.

      • KJ Pierson on February 2, 2018 at 1:44 pm

        HA! That’s more appropriate then! If I close the door to a room and Leena wants in you hear cries…then the snorting and the claw of doom trying to take the door off the hinges.

  4. Hokie Pack on February 2, 2018 at 7:08 am

    Thanks for the laugh this morning! It is the same at our house.
    The look on Ty’s face when the camera was following him —-Priceless!

  5. Lori on February 2, 2018 at 7:02 am

    Hahaha!!! How on earth do you ever get caught up?!

  6. Jean Burkhardt on February 2, 2018 at 5:57 am

    OH WOW!!! I THINK I have troubles-lol? We only have ONE boy Bradley who does this ALL the time and what really bothers me is when he’ll stand by the door to come in and when we go to let him him-he goes back down to the yard!! BUT we love him dearly anyway!!!! He is also a bunny chaser(and killer)so doggie door is out for us as well!! Keep these awesome videos coming-I so enjoy them!!

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