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Landon confronted Hu-Dad with some Boom Boom questions yesterday about our winter weather. No answers satisfied the questions.
If you remember yesterday’s post, Landon was racing around the yard enjoying some fresh overnight snow. Unfortunately for a Herd of Siberian Huskies, the sun came out and melted much of that snow away leaving only tantalizing amounts around the yard.
The good news – for the dogs – is that we should another light snowfall tonight, but we expect it will disappear just as quickly. Which, of course, leads to the really big question from the Boom.
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
hello thundering herd its dennis the vizsla dog hay yes this is a gud kwestchun!!! all those big hyooman brayns and yoo stil kant mayk it sno ware the dogs want it??? hmph!!! ok bye
I think you need to retain Sabo the German Shepherd, Attorney at Paw, to make sure you’re made whole for this injury! The Hu-Dad is obviously at fault.
We have the same problem here Boom Boom…no snow in the Midwest. Have Hu dad take you higher into the mountains. Maybe you can get a job running the snow making machine at the slopes! I’m sure they could pay you in treats! A win win for you… I hope you and your Herd get more snow soon!
We live in Michigan and our dogs wish it would snow more along with myself. You would think living in the midwest would warrant lots of snow but the east coast up by New York and Mass, etc keeps hogging it all.
Love that face!
Borrow one from the neighbors the ski ???? slope.
Aw Boom Boom y’all need a good snow making machine!!!