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The two most troublesome members of the Herd have never joined forces, but does this week have them plotting and brewing trouble now?
First, to answer the obvious question, Kiska and Qannik are just fine. During our S-RV excursions, they sometimes skip walks since they prefer longer naps in the S-RV. Today’s photos happen to be from one of those walks.
Onward to our story today, notice Typhoon and Landon walking together. Even though Hu-Dad had assumed they would be the best of pals, the reality is that Landon spends far more time with Frankie and Cheoah than he does with Typhoon. But could that be changing slowly?
We will see if the tightness continues when we return to Sibe Quentin, but it does have Hu-Dad wondering if the two are plotting and scheming.
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Mama Bear Warning
July 12, 2024
Mama Bear crashed through the underbrush, growling and snorting with her eyes locked on her targets—us. Her warning was clear.
I noticed that also…no fur. Our Cierra had an ultrasound done last October….her fur hasn’t grown back either.
Is the fur on Typhoons belly not growing back?
Nope, unfortunately, the growth has been very slow. Hu-Dad loves rubbing his bare belly – much to Typhoon’s chagrin.
How can you do that. I can’t stand that feeling. Give me doggie fur any day of the week!
Because it annoys the Little Prince. Annoying the Little Prince is a favorite game around Chez Herd.
The plot thickens….
Trouble is brewing!!!!