The Tastiest Picnic Table Spot

When we say we have found the tastiest picnic table spot, we don’t mean the best location for the picnic table but the best spot on the table itself.

Chew Chew Chew

Chew Chew Chew

Our picnic table is many things to us. The ideal location to play a little King (or Queen) Siberian of the Hill. The perfect sentry post for long distance scanning of the lower field. A superb site for afternoon naps in the sun. Or our shelter for the inevitable basement excavation projects. But did you know we find the table itself quite tasty?

Right there, sis. The tastiest picnic table spot is right there.

Right there, sis. The tastiest picnic table spot is right there.

Immediately after taking these photographs, Hu-Dad reminded a couple of furry members of The Herd of one of the many rules around Chez Herd – Thou Shalt Not Eat The Furniture.

Ooooh. That is quite tasty.

Ooooh. That is quite tasty.

Movie Memory Monday

Huge congratulations to the Hu-Dad for posting Movie Memory Monday on, well, Monday.

This week, we go back to 2009 and the Sarge’s Downtown Dog Walk, an annual fundraiser for a local all-breed rescue. We had come back from the walk and were watching some of the contests when Rusty decided to be, well, Rusty. Always known for his creativity and interesting ways he entertained himself, Rusty spied an ideal target – a group of balloons wafting in the breeze. The end result was a quite memorable moment in the history of Rusty the Rooster – an epic battle with balloons.

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  1. Mom 'n Ebby on January 11, 2018 at 4:56 am

    Mom sez: Maybe at some point, someone spilled some tasty food morsels in that spot on the picnic table, and the smell has sunk into the wood?

  2. Juno's mom on January 8, 2018 at 11:36 am

    Always love seeing Rusty videos.

  3. Lori on January 8, 2018 at 6:58 am

    Rusty and the balloons is adorable!!!

  4. Hokie Pack on January 8, 2018 at 6:23 am

    Is there a Sibe-mance going on with Boom Boom and Cheesewhiz? Lol

    • The Thundering Herd on January 8, 2018 at 6:50 am

      They have become pals over the last couple of weeks. Of course, part of that is Frankie has decided that he wanted inside with his blankets during our cold snap. Frankie has always been in danger of having his Siberian Husky Union card revoked.

      • KJ Pierson on January 8, 2018 at 4:59 pm

        Part of being a Siberian is achieving maximum laziness though…and maximizing efficiency is finding the best warm spots….so…..

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