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Over an inch and a half of rain fell from the sky yesterday as heavy rains made for quite the soggy day around Chez Herd.
We have complained about lots of sunshine followed by warmer temperatures chasing away all of our snow. To add insult, mother nature decided to drop some tons of rain on us yesterday. No one was particularly happy about that.
Wait. That is not true. Hu-Dad called us all inside at one point and five of the six of us responded quickly. One of us, however, sat in the driving rain and refused to come inside. As always, the dog who loves rain and mud the most has white fur. Well, more or less white fur once you get beyond the dirt.
Our Throwback Thursday video this week shows how challenging making our videos can be . . . for the Hu-Dad. When an actor decides to turn a filming session into a game, you just get a bunch of Bouncy Boom Boom Bloopers. Enjoy!
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
Those darn warmer temps. We seem to get more snow in the spring than in winter in Colo anyway.
I love it! Bouncy Boom Boom and soggy Q-tip ????
I like the blooper better!