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Our resident Little Prince, Typhoon, has the most expressive face as he shows his disdain to Hu-Dad’s suggestions for better behavior.
Typhoon has long believed that the rules that apply to the rest of The Herd do not apply to him. While Siberian Huskies are notorious for their ability to disregard orders that don’t benefit them, Typhoon’s doesn’t feign deafness as an excuse – he just refuses.
We can’t show this in a simple photograph, but the look is often accompanied with the stamping of his front feety-feet, a percussion accompanying his looks of disgust and snorts of derision.
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
Oh, we have a little foot stamper too! Always makes me laugh!
What a funny boy. Endearing (sometimes,) husky traits. We get the I’m ignoring you by not looking at you, but my ears are focused in your direction.
When One is The Heir One knows the rules do not apply to Him.
Oh Ty such a Rebel!
Rules drools… fugettaboudit Typhoon Phooey ????????