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A lonely Boom Boom moped around the house yesterday without his big brother, but he was happy to see a sleepy Frankie come home.
A procedure day is always interesting around Chez Herd because that means someone does not get breakfast while everyone else gets fed. Hu-Dad can assure everyone that Frankie was slightly put out by the lack of breakfast.
After breakfast, everyone noticed that Frankie was missing. Landon, in particular, was somewhat lost without his role model. As many readers predicted, Cheesewhiz picked up the slack and hung out with the Boom most of the day.
Frankie came through his surgery well. The mass has been sent off for labs and we will have the results in the few days, but the good news is that the surgeon felt confident that all of the mass had been removed.
As of this writing, everyone is crammed into Hu-Dad’s study and snoring away, including Frankie who has claimed a prime spot in the middle of The Herd.
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Continuing prayers and healing energy for Frankie
I hope everything turns out well for Frankie, and that he and Boom are up to their antics again soon. Pawsitive thoughts sent to The Herd!
So glad Frankie did well through his surgery. We have all paws crossed for good results!
Continued prayers for Frankie