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We have all had that one, silly, crazy moment where we wonder if anyone has captured some unplanned embarrassing photographs
For most dogs, being caught rolling in the grass is not a big deal. A sunny day, a cool breeze, and wonderful green grass – it is the perfect moment to be a little silly. But, when you are a Little Prince, you have a reputation to maintain. The photograph above is that exact instance when Typhoon realized the Hu-Dad was watching.
The Little Prince immediately went for plausible deniability – just pretend it never happened and maybe everyone will forget. So just pretend that today’s blog post is a tabloid and we just printed the pictures that the star wish we didn’t have.
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Mama Bear Warning
July 12, 2024
Mama Bear crashed through the underbrush, growling and snorting with her eyes locked on her targets—us. Her warning was clear.
Sabo the German Shepherd will be happy to represent Krystal the Schnegle in any contract violations that may occur. Sabo would like to remind Krystal’s hu-mom that in order for a contract to be fully in force both parties must be in agreement wit him a full understanding of the meaning of the contract, did Krystal have an attorney at paw at the time of these agreements?? If not they may be deemed void
So she is not guilty since the contracts are null …..
Krystal the Schneagle wants to know if she can retain Sank to represent her with respect to frequent contract violations by her human!
Ty, 2 words to remember…pawsible deniability!
Sabo the German Shepherd attorney at paw here
Hu-dad we wish to discuss the recent puparazzi pictures that were taken of a certain member of the herd seemingly rolling in the grass
If you will note the picture shows one brown eye, so not only is the reputation of Typhoon in danger, since we cannot see the other eye color his brother Frankie Suave.. who would never just roll around because he’s so Suave could also be affected since the people viewing the picture could mistake the identity and it could be him!!
Both of my clients claim plausible deniability and are seeking just compensation for emotional distress.., extra treats to sooth their emotional distress will be just compensation for this incident
And since the rest of the herd will see them getting extra treats they will also suffer an emotional loss visa vi lack of treats on their part .. so they too would request extra treats for a complete settlement of this unfortunate matter
Sabo The German Shepherd
Attorney at Paw
Such a diva!