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Typhoon claims he didn’t do anything to cause any of this unwarranted attention, but a Kiska Kougar has been stalking him all week.
At home, Kiska’s interactions with Typhoon usually involve her yelling at him to SLOW DOWN! Because of their age difference, they don’t hang out a lot together, but that has changed this week during our S-RV vacation. Young Mr. Typhoon has found himself at the center of her attention. She play bows to him, tries to get him to wrestle, and generally has been quite sweet on him all week. Typhoon is somewhat perplexed by her attention.
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
So glad Kiska is better! Typhoon your playfulness is coming back to “bite” you. And all this time you thought Chief of Security wasn’t paying attention to you…she was watching and waiting, waiting and watching…….
He looks perplexed. Maybe he’s wondering what she’s up to. 😉
Atta girl Kiska! Show that youngun how it’s done!
Oh that’s awesome … wanting to play w younger members of the herd is an excellent sign she’s back to herself… or maybe even better ( on the drugs,)
Every lady needs a little romance in her life lol. He’s probably dumb founded about it all. You go get it girl. Have yourself some fun. Hugs and kisses to the herd.
Keep ’em guessing, Kiska. Haha.