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Hurricane Nate had lost much of its punch by the time it reached us, but we still wondered who ordered this much rain to ruin our games.
As always, we feel for everyone who has had to deal with the hurricanes and all of their destruction. Where we live, we tend to just get lots of rain and wind and rarely deal with much destruction. The valleys can contend with flooding and mudslides, but we are safe from that.
So Hurricane Nate – now downgraded to Really Nasty Storm Nate Jr – is supposed to dump 4-8 inches of rain on us before he leaves us Tuesday. As this post was going to bed around 5 pm Sunday, we were already north of 2 inches, so that seems reasonable. The winds have been gusty and strong, but haven’t caused any damage beyond some branches down..
However, Siberian games have been put on delay. Much grumbling can be heard as everyone is trying to figure out who to blame. Bet you can guess the top suspect.
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
Rain isn’t much fun for them. Heavy, wet snow in the Colorado foothills. Time for Juno to make a snow bed and zoomie through the yard.
We are jealous.
Aw sweeties just think at all the mud you’ll have to play in!!