Post-S-RV Weekend Reclaiming Positions

After a fun, long weekend in the S-RV, we are home and reclaiming positions – almost like we were never gone from Chez Herd.

Big Bro / Little Bro time

Big Bro / Little Bro time

We are asked a lot how everyone handles traveling in the crates in the S-RV. The photo above should answer how much we like our crates. As soon as they were back within Sibe Quentin, Frankie and Landon sought out their crates and positions themselves for monitoring all yard activities. Ok, Frankie might be napping and Landon is monitoring, but what are little brothers are for. Note that the crate doors are wide open – they just enjoy the serenity of their crates.

On the other hand (or is that other paw?), Cheoah and Typhoon’s normal position is somewhere quite different – the Hu-Dad’s study as he catches up on messages and notes from the weekend away from his study.

Just helping the Hu-Dad catch up in the study.

Just helping the Hu-Dad catch up in the study.


  1. Lori on September 25, 2017 at 9:05 am

    So glad it was a great weekend trip!

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