Labor Day Project Requirements

Hu-Dad decided to tackle a special Labor Day project – digging a 150 foot long trench and burying a drain line. Can you think of a more exciting way to spend a holiday?

The buried drain line.

The buried drain line.

We have a boiler system in our house for our hot water as well as for heating the house through radiant heat (hot water lines running through the floors rather than heat pumps or furnaces pumping air). The system generates a good bit of condensation, particularly in the humid summer months, which drains outside (it is pure water from steam – no contaminants of any sort). Because of the amount of condensation, we had a muddy area of the yard and Hu-Dad decided to extend the drain line down to the woods below the house.

In order to dig such a long ditch, you need two important things. First, you need a tool to dig:

Tractor with a box blade.

Tractor with a box blade.

Oh, sure, a back hoe might be a little bit easier, but Hu-Dad doesn’t have one of those. Still, you can dig a pretty good ditch with a box blade behind a tractor. To do the job right, you need one more important ingredient:



No work crew is complete without a good supervisor telling the Hu-Dad everything he was doing wrong. Kiska gladly takes on that role.

Note that we would have been glad to help dig, but all of this project took place outside Sibe Quentin. Despite not being able to dig, we were tired after this long project.

Woo, Hu-Dad, watching you work is exhausting.

Woo, Hu-Dad, watching you work is exhausting.


  1. KJ Pierson on September 5, 2017 at 12:51 pm

    Quick herd, KILL THE GIANT RED DEMON! It is the same one that continuously attacks your picnic table and destroys your carefully constructed basements!

  2. Joy Stortvedt on September 5, 2017 at 8:14 am

    I painted my fence for my Labor Day labor. My 2 husky supervisors said I was too boring and went inside. It was like watching paint dry!

  3. All Things Collie on September 5, 2017 at 7:26 am

    That’s quite a project, it’s a good thing you are handy around the house. No doubt a company would have charged a hefty fee.

  4. Lori on September 5, 2017 at 6:43 am

    Everybody needs a good set of supervisors on the job.

  5. Vincent Porrazzo on September 5, 2017 at 5:09 am

    Good job supervisors, i hope hu-dad rewarded you with treats.

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