Sorry. Are You Calling Me?

The humans prepared to leave the house last night, destined for a quick pizza and beer dinner in town. Hu-Dad started calling for all dogs to come inside, and five out of six quickly responded. One, however, seemed to have a moment of Siberian Deafness.

Why do you keep repeating my name, human.

Why do you keep repeating my name, human?

Landon loves being outside exploring Sibe Quentin. Yesterday’s weather was a perfect day, at least for summer. Unfortunately, the humans have a strict rule that no dogs are allowed to be outside unless a human is home to keep them safe. Something about those bears and bobcats and elk and coyote wandering around our woods. Thus, when they go into town, all dogs have to come inside, settle into their crates, and bide their time. So when the humans prepared to leave for their traditional Sunday night dinner in town, Landon decided he didn’t want to go inside.

I hear you, but I am happy and don't want to come inside.

I hear you, but I am happy and don’t want to come inside.

Just when Landon thought he could resist long enough to get his way, the humans played dirty. They shook the treat jar. The response was instantaneous.

You didn't say treats were involved.

You didn’t say treats were involved.


  1. KJ Pierson on July 31, 2017 at 8:41 am

    Dirty play! Thou shalt not shake thy treat jar to get thy way!

  2. Lisa on July 31, 2017 at 8:35 am

    Love the action shot, and the contrast of shadow/sunset-light on his tail.

  3. Lori on July 31, 2017 at 7:13 am

    Treat Jar gets em every time ????????

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Wings of Doom

December 12, 2024

A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.

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