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Posing canines for photographs is challenging enough, so Hu-Dad suggested that Cheoah enjoy the great outdoors and natural light. Her response?
Capturing photographs of six Siberian Huskies on a daily basis is not the easiest task in chronicling our story. Speedy dogs like Landon and Typhoon require the Hu-Dad to use a fast shutter speed or all you would see is a blur of fur. Focusing on moving canines is a challenge that Hu-Dad often fails. And trying to use artificial lighting is virtually impossible since we rarely “hit our marks” (the spot where actors are to stand for optimal filming).
Last night, Hu-Dad suggested that Cheoah go outside for a few minutes so that he could capture some photographs. Her reaction seemed to be a list of the negatives of the great outdoors (bugs, wind, brothers) and positives of the great indoors (leather couches, ceiling fans, and lack of brothers).
And so we present Cheoah – courtesy of a flash.
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
She’s smart. It’s hot, the bugs are annoying, and then there’s those pesky brothers. That couch looks good to me too Cheoh! Strike a pose…..
She appears so calm and mellow now… I remember reading the story of her and Kiska fighting in the back of your jeep. She has come such a long way!
And growing up with two older brothers, I can relate to wanting some alone time.
A girl needs her alone time with her leather couch (and no brothers) ????