Big Brother’s Little Shadow

When you are lucky enough to have a big brother as cool cool as Frankie Suave, being the little shadow is an awesome experience.

Landon - Just hanging out in the shadows. Sort of.

Landon – Just hanging out in the shadows. Sort of.

When Landon arrived at Chez Herd, we assumed that he and Typhoon would become best friends considering their similar zany natures. As it turns out, though, Landon is an awe of his big brother, Frankie, and can always be found within inches of his hero.

Waiting on Big Bro to finish his nap.

Waiting on Big Bro to finish his nap.

After viewing our video “Boom Boom’s Busy Daylast Friday, several readers if Landon ever settles down. The answer is simple – Yes, as soon as Frankie insists on nap time.

Frankie would like to point out that one of the great advantages of crates is they provide a dog – especially a dog with bouncy little brothers – a quiet space to go. He can still enjoy the outdoor breezes while napping in a crate. Landon takes the hint and leaves Frankie alone, though he remains quite close just in case his brother is ready to go.

Landon may look asleep, but he will be on his feet if Frankie leaves his crate.

Landon may look asleep, but he will be on his feet if Frankie leaves his crate.


  1. Lori on June 19, 2017 at 7:08 am

    Landon’s admiration of Frankie is beautiful!

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