Paying Attention To Details

Our Chief of Security Kiska is a stickler about paying attention to details, even if her fluffy white sidekick needs a gentle reminder.

Kiska and Qa . . . Qannik? Hello, Qannik?

Kiska and Qa . . . Qannik? Hello, Qannik?

Miss Kiska takes her security duties quite seriously, as we have shown repeatedly. She also has an expectation that the rest of The Herd follows her example in monitoring all threats.Unfortunately, Qannik was distracted by a bug.

Unfortunately, Qannik was distracted by a bug. You know, just in case the bug might turn into a serious security threat. One quick look from Miss Kiska, however, and Q-Tip rethought his priorities.

Yes, ma'am, watching the horizon.

Yes, ma’am, watching the horizon.


  1. Laura Yager on June 7, 2017 at 2:10 am

    Here in the Hoosier state we have been invaded by Cicadas. My Huskies are fascinated by these loud, incredibly scary flying menaces. Bolt, our baby boy likes to put them in his mouth as they screech out. Siniy, our older and wiser girl, is more to the point, She crushes the Cicada with her paw, the plays with it as it lets out it’s last screech. So, Q, you’re right. Bugs are a security risk… Now someone is going to have to tell Kiska !

  2. All Things Collie on June 5, 2017 at 11:17 am

    I love how you show their personalities through your posts. That is something I need to work on,.

  3. Zoe on June 5, 2017 at 8:36 am

    Bugs could be dangerous!!
    But it is good he followed Ms Kiska’s lead

  4. The Painter Pack on June 5, 2017 at 7:41 am

    Better a nudge than a nip, right?! Awesome job!

  5. Lori on June 5, 2017 at 7:12 am

    Sometimes the help just needs a simple reminder to focus… right Qannik?!

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