If You Want Something Done . . .

Cheoah seems quite unimpressed with her brothers’ promises and falls back on that old saying – If you want something done, do it yourself.

Look at all of those birds hanging out in our yard.

Look at all of those crows hanging out in our yard.

In addition to all of the rest of the wildlife we have around Chez Herd, we have quite an abundance of crows. They are quite brazen and enjoy hanging out inside the fence area, but we get bored trying to chase them because they just fly away.

Rabbits I can catch, but crows fly away.

Rabbits I can catch, but crows fly away.

So the boys hang out on the porch and grumble about the crows, but they don’t make them leave the yard – much to Cheoah’s displeasure.

Those boys don't leave the porch. If you want something done, let a Cheesewhiz handle it.

Those boys don’t leave the porch. If you want something done, let a Cheesewhiz handle it.


  1. Lori on May 30, 2017 at 7:08 am

    Sometimes it just takes girl power to make thing happen, right Cheoah?!

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