Typhoon’s Big Saturday Adventure

Question of the day – Why would Typhoon go with Hu-Dad on a big Saturday adventure while every other pup stayed home at Chez Herd?

Standing on the scales

Standing on the scales

Today was Typhoon’s weigh in day to see if he is continuing to gain weight. He weighed 43.3 pounds, so a slight gain of 0.3 pounds over the last two weeks, but at least it was in a positive direction.

Riding in the pickup truck.

Riding in the pickup truck.

Normally, we would take our limousine – aka, the Jeep Wrangler – for trips to the vet, but Hu-Dad had to take the pickup truck to Asheville. Rather than take two trips, Typhoon got to ride in the pickup truck to the vet and to Asheville.  He had the whole back seat to stretch out in – a luxury in a big family.

Besides, we rarely get to ride in the truck, so Typhoon felt really special in it.

Wait a minute - where is my lunch?

Wait a minute – where is my lunch?

The humans also decided to eat lunch in Asheville, so Typhoon got to sit on the deck of the restaurant and chat with other diners.

Of course, when he got home, the Little Prince had to tell everyone about his adventure and how much fun it was.


  1. Mom 'n Ebby on May 21, 2017 at 5:28 pm

    Mom ‘n Ebby say: Typhoon, doesn’t it make you feel kind of “special” when you get to go somewhere with the hu-Dad, ALONE, just you, nobody else? (Herd-wise, that is!)

  2. Juno's mom on May 21, 2017 at 8:53 am

    The herd could probably smell the vet and other scents on him, including those yummy kebobs. 😉 Made me hungry.

  3. Jerry G-Pa Owens on May 21, 2017 at 8:21 am

    We (Randi & Chloe) take our Humans to different places too, it’s so much fun!!!

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