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Based on today’s photographs, someone sure attracted the Chief of Security’s ire, but who was it? And what did they do to get Miss Kiska’s attention?
Miss Kiska was quietly performing her evening security patrol when her attention was diverted. Just looking at her face, you know someone has displeased her.
Our readers will be glad to know that the look worked. Quiet was quickly restored to Chez Herd. The offender decided not to challenge the stare. He knew the best response was to accept the rebuke without question.
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
Queen Natasha would be so proud!
Miss Kiska has mastered the balance of the “mom” look with resting bitch face… I just love her…
and I notice Landon is back at base.. i.e. The porch…
Personally if she looked at me like that.. I’d go sit on the porch too… quietly lol
If Miss Kiska gave me that look, I would also calm down. She looks very serious.
The only one we have ever known to ignore that look was Queen Natasha – and that was because her look was worse. Notice that Landon decided the porch was a safe spot to wait things out.
Oh these younguns today ????????????