Different Approaches To Coming Inside

Hu-Dad called for us all to come inside for the evening since we all sleep indoors. He did notice some quite different approaches for responding.

Frankie Suave responding in his suave manner.

Frankie Suave responding in his suave manner.

Frankie, being the mature, suave member of The Herd responds in an almost dutiful manner. He walks with purpose across the grass, in the door, and then claims the prime spot on the bed right beside Hu-Dad for nighttime stories. Not that Hu-Dad reads outloud or anything, but Frankie does consider it his duty to snuggle during reading time.

Boom Boom, on the otherhand, does not quite act with such reserve.

Oh boy! Oh boy! Oh boy!

Oh boy! Oh boy! Oh boy!


  1. Zoe on May 10, 2017 at 11:00 am

    Everyday I look for your posting you truly make my day.
    Thank you for sharing your lives with us.

    My question is, when are you going to write a book.. because you should
    You know… it would be amazing

  2. Lori on May 10, 2017 at 7:06 am

    You guys are so adorable ????

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