No Singing In The Campsite Rule

Hu-Dad has one strict requirement for our RV behavior – the no singing in the campsite rule. Our Choirmistress almost led us in a violation.

Thinking about it.

Thinking about it.

Because we strive so hard to get along with our RV neighbors, Hu-Dad expects us to be on our absolute best behavior while camping. We take great pride when other neighbors compliment us on the way we act. The most prominent of those rules revolves around noise, which does restrict our Sibernacle Choir practice.

A woo is forming.

A woo is forming.

We aren’t perfect. We have violated the rule before. But it was a long time ago in a fairly empty campground, so Hu-Dad reminds us over and over to wait until we get home to resume practice.



And, no, we did not violate the rule this time either. The above photos were of Kiska warning of an intruder in our campsite. The problem was resolved (no one challenges Miss Kiska) and quiet was restored. We just like the photos.

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  1. Juno's mom on April 2, 2017 at 10:49 am

    Has anyone ever complained about choir practice at campsites?

  2. The Painter Pack on April 2, 2017 at 7:58 am

    Kisha does such a good job! But no singing? Who wouldn’t love their singing!!! What a shame! Who cares if it is 3am!!! BOL!!!

  3. Lori on April 2, 2017 at 7:51 am

    Beautiful action shot Miss Kiska!!! Well done running off the intruder! Poor baby you still have to work even on vacation ❤

  4. Jane on April 2, 2017 at 7:44 am

    Great job Kisha. Bruce always informs us of intruders. Even ones he doesn’t see, but he apparently hears lol. Every time someone walks onto the porch from inside the house he has to run out and scare everything away and make sure all is safe. I hope you all had a wonderful time camping. Hugs and kisses to the herd.

  5. Mom 'n Ebby on April 2, 2017 at 6:57 am

    Mom sez: I can understand the “No Choir Practice” in the campsite, because there’s just no pleasing some people, but for myself, I’d love nothing better than to have the privilege of attending a “Sibernacle Choir Practice”. It wouldn’t bother me a bit, but I also realize that not everyone loves “all things Siberian”, as I do.

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