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Typhoon was sprawled in his usual spot, under Hu-Dad’s desk in the study. He never left his flat dog pose while Hu-Dad crawled around photographing.
Hu-Dad expected that Typhoon would bounce up and move to another room to avoid all of the attention, but he patiently let the camera take quite a few photographs.
Typhoon believed his modeling duties did not include moving, posing, or doing anything other than remaining still. Well, there were a few facial expressions.
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
Mom sez: I know it’s supposed to be fashionable to be “tall and slender” these days, but Typhoon seems to carry it to extreme. I imagine it’s his “genetic make-up”, but when he’s playing “flat dog”, he almost looks emaciated.
We battle every day to get him to eat full meals. He bounces between 40 and 43 pounds and is the only dog that our vet would like to see gain a couple. He simply is not a fan of food. Never had a dog that has turned down steak, chicken, pork, bacon, hamburger, peanut butter, etc., etc., etc.
I love Typhoon’s expressions…but did you ever think you would see the day when this pup would remain still? Bittersweet.
Typhoon, supermodel of The Thundering Herd. 😉
You are a very cute flat dog Typhoon ????????????