A Scandalous Cheesewhiz Coverup

A cold winter day should not create any outrage, but Hu-Dad has photographic evidence of a scandalous Cheesewhiz coverup.

A very comfortable Cheesewhiz

A very comfortable Cheesewhiz

Hu-Dad took a break from his busy-ness in the study, stepped over the various dogs napping on the floor and noticed that Cheoah was napping on her usual couch. The only difference is that Cheesewhiz had acquired a fuzzy pillow and looked quite comfortable. Hu-Dad thought only one thing could improve the moment.

A blankie.

A blankie.

At first, Cheoah looked a little perturbed that her nap had been interrupted by the camera and Hu-Dad’s little attempt at humor. But after a moment, her opinion seemed to improve and she was quite appreciative.

A scandalous Cheesewhiz coverup.

A scandalous Cheesewhiz coverup.

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  1. Juno's mom on March 4, 2017 at 12:54 pm

    She’s a snuggle bunny. So sweet.

  2. Tracy on March 4, 2017 at 9:49 am

    What is sweet baby… ????????

  3. Lori on March 4, 2017 at 8:18 am

    Awwww you’re just precious Cheoah ????????

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