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Every household with youngsters knows that the kids get up way too early and with too much energy, leading to the post-Christmas morning naptime.
Landon and Typhoon were both up early Christmas morning, much to Hu-Dad’s regret (who thought he might catch a little extra sleep time). Our weather is decidedly un-Christmaslike (sunny and warm here), so Siberian games engaged within Sibe Quentin. Finally, at some point in the early afternoon, the youngsters were outside under the supervision of Frankie Suave. That gave Cheoah a much deserved quiet moment inside the house to catch up on her sleep. Cheoah is betting that quite a few human parents felt the same way.
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Mama Bear Warning
July 12, 2024
Mama Bear crashed through the underbrush, growling and snorting with her eyes locked on her targets—us. Her warning was clear.
Mom ‘n Ebby say: That’s like “Okay, lets just get this tree, and presents thing over with, and the kids outside with their new toys, so the rest of us can get some rest”. We know how you feel, Cheoah.
Ah…I wish we still had youngsters around to still get us up at the predawn hours…..
I bet you’re right Cheoah… a whole bunch of parents felt the same way. Shoo the younguns outside for a good long while so the adults can take a nap!!!