Little Brother Shadows Big Brother

Big brother Frankie wanted a quiet nap under the Tree of Life, but his newest little brother shadows his every step around Chez Herd.

Go ahead, Big Bro, I've got guard duty.

Go ahead, Big Bro, I’ve got guard duty.

We knew that pack dynamics would change with the loss of Queen Natasha and the addition of Landon. Frankie’s role has changed more than anyone else. With Kiska and Qannik quite content as elder statesmen (er, statesdogs) with a healthy separation from the bouncy youngsters, Frankie has evolved into the defacto leader of the Juniors. In particular, Boom-Boom follows him everywhere.

I will be right here when you wake up.

I will be right here when you wake up.

We really thought that Landon and Typhoon would be thick as thieves, but the reality is that Landon follows Frankie at every step. Frankie Suave, as cool as ever, just strolls around the yard with his little brothers in tow.

Frankie went into his crate to nap, so I watch him from up here.

Frankie went into his crate to nap, so I watch him from up here.

P.S. – To answer the obvious question, no one has exactly stepped forward as the leader of the pack. Frankie certainly doesn’t lead Kiska or Qannik, but nor do either of them wish to lead. They have, however, been quite clear that they are fine with Frankie leading the bouncy wonder pups.

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  1. Mom 'n Ebby on December 18, 2016 at 11:49 am

    Mom ‘n Ebby say: We think the “union” between Frankie and Landon is great! After all you’ve been through with Typhoon’s “growing pains” and antics, we think you deserve a pair of “buddies” who show just a little more “maturity”.

  2. All Things Collie on December 17, 2016 at 1:00 pm

    Isn’t it funny how dogs react to life in a pack, and the smallest changes can affect them all.

  3. Juno's mom on December 17, 2016 at 11:31 am

    Frankie and Landon bonding does make sense actually. (Thinking about the herd as we look out at a foot of snow in the Colorado foothills.)

  4. JoCindy on December 17, 2016 at 9:24 am

    I may have missed the explanation, but how did Landon acquire his Boom Boom moniker?

    • The Thundering Herd on December 17, 2016 at 9:37 am

      No great story. It just slipped out of Hu-Dad’s mouth at one moment, “Now, look, Boom-Boom, . . . ” and a new nickname was born.

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