Terrible Tale Of The Trapped Typhoon

Today, we share a horror story. Well, horror in the eyes of the Little Prince. Yes, today we tell the terrible tale of the trapped Typhoon.

Something exciting is happening out there.

Something exciting is happening out there.

Hu-Dad was wrapping up a project in his study. He needed just a little more quiet time to get the work done. No interruptions. No catastrophes. In other words, no Typhoon madness. And so Hu-Dad shut the gate trapping a certain Little Prince in the study where he could be closely supervised.

I see no humor. Stop laughing.

I see no humor. Stop laughing.

Warnings were given. Warnings were ignored. And some youngster is not happy with the results.

I will stomp my feety-feet until I get my way.

I will stomp my feety-feet until I get my way.

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  1. Mom 'n Ebby on December 15, 2016 at 2:55 pm

    Mom sez: That middle photo of Typhoon clearly says, “What’d I do wrong, what’d I do wrong?”
    Did you at any point inform him that that was to KEEP him from “doing wrong”?

  2. All Things Collie on December 15, 2016 at 12:26 pm

    Oh noes! Poor Typhoon, oh the inhumanity!

  3. Lori on December 15, 2016 at 7:37 am

    A Typhoon tantrum! He’s even adorable when he’s mad ????????

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