Laziest Video Ever – Film Friday

On Thursdays, Hu-Dad expects us to do something interesting for Film Friday. Not this week. Nope, we present the laziest video ever.

Not many zoomies today.

Not many zoomies today.

Yesterday was a typical December day – cold and blustery. Unfortunately, we had no snow for winter games, so we thought the great indoors sounded much more interesting than outside. We each found our favorite napping spot and . . . napped.

Well, we would nap if Hu-Dad would turn off that light.

Well, we would nap if Hu-Dad would turn off that light.

Hu-Dad kept asking us to get up, do something, do anything, so he could video it. But we preferred to produce the laziest video ever.

Qannik has always claimed the reading couch.

Qannik has always claimed the reading couch.

And with that introduction, we present this week’s Film Friday – an action packed thriller. Oh, who are we kidding.


  1. rottrover on December 9, 2016 at 9:07 pm

    So beautiful and relaxing! Really!!

  2. Shyuki on December 9, 2016 at 10:59 am

    Such a sweet and calming video. Show a side of sibes that is rarely seen. It makes me want to light the fireplace and grab a good book to spend the rest of the day! If sibes can take a lazy day, so can I.
    Doing my snow dance in southern California for you! = )

  3. The Ao4 on December 9, 2016 at 9:07 am

    Hey! Hey! I could come liven things up for you!
    Yours sincerely,
    Margaret Thatcher

  4. Lori on December 9, 2016 at 7:26 am

    It was so good to see Security Chief Kiska!!! I’ve been missing her precious face ❤️

  5. Mom 'n Ebby on December 9, 2016 at 5:46 am

    Even having a “lazy day”, I love to see The Herd “in (non) action. Their facial expressions are priceless, complete with “eye rolling” at being on camera. I am just so happy to see the way Landon has fit in with the rest of the Herd so well. You’d almost think he’d been “born into it”!

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