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If he is hanging out in the study with the Hu-Dad, Typhoon negotiates a complete compensation package with his favorite fringe benefit.
Rain fell from the sky throughout yesterday. Considering our severe drought conditions and all of the wildfires, we were quite thankful for the rain. However, the storms also trapped a group of dogs inside the house while Hu-Dad was trying to work in his study. One certain member of The Herd was caught racing around and creating too much havoc, so Hu-Dad insisted he stay in the study for a while.
Typhoon reluctantly agreed, but then discovered that his timing could not be better.
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
Thankful for the rain.
Priceless – Typhoon’s face = )
Happy to hear about the rain!
So….I see you have a tub of popcorn there….and I haz none….you DO see the problem here, don’t you? – Typhoon
Lol, look at the expression on his face! I bet he got his share of the popcorn!
A day for inside zoomies!!!! ????